Yesterday arvo, we had an influx of french campers arrive. It typically gets busy with new arrivals at a ccaravan park from 3-6pm.The 2 couples who have been here longer than I, (travelling together) loved it and all the frenchies ignored everyone and chatted until 12:30am. When the male came back to his GF, the fighting began. Yelling for a about 45 min,slapping and 1 tent demolished. This was about 10-13 metres away from my tent. The real sucky bit, EVERYTHING was in french, so I have no idea what it was about or what was said. So frustrating!!!
Most of the campers in the area cracked the sads for some quiet which came about almost 2am (after fixing tent). I was almost asleep and after that I was up most of the night. Up early to get the news I have been waiting for....
The bike will take over a month to fix as parts need to be sourced from Japan. Apparently this was an issue when they built bike over 5 years ago. Extremely slim chance Yamaha will cover the cost, but it will be something I'll try when I get back. You will notice a lot of rust on the crankshaft. They asked had I drowned it? ie dropped it in a river crossing- Nope. They then showed me worn parts which they advised should never get worn if fitted correctly and it's the first they have seen of this.
See the rust?
This means no Kimberleys for me with Pete and our plans will change. Pete is arriving tomorrow in Darwin and I'll chauffeur him around town. RACV have been great. I am booked on the 2am Sun flight for Melb (with extra luggage pre-paid). My Triumph is booked in for service on Tues and I plan to leave Melb for Alice Springs on Wed or Thurs. Being the big Triumph 1200cc, I should be able to make Alice in 3 - 3.5 days to meet up with Pete and we will do another adventure, albeit a shorter one.
As I am off on the Triumph next week, I had to ask Yamaha Darwin for access to the workshop so I could unbolt certain bits and pieces I needed (as I swap them from bike to bike). It wasn't a problem and gave me an opportunity to take photos and speak to the mechanic who pulled my bike apart. That was followed up with buying 2 x 150 ltr bags so I transport all my gear, including my pannier bags. RACV have paid for the max 40kg plus carry on for Jetstar flight.
Crocodylus (croc / wildlife park in Darwin) came by the caravan park last night and brought around a 16 week old crocodile and snake for us to play with and also learn more about the do's and don'ts. Hint - see a snake - DON'T move!! and with Crocs - run straight not a zig zag. Their eye sight straight ahead is very poor. She advised a Taipan was more scared of me than I of it - I DON'T THINK SO!!! My bite will not kill.
Tonight I am off to the Mindil Beach market again. Grab a feed, check out the local wares and of course the locals and tourists. Darwin / Northern Territory is the multicultural capital of Aus, in the dry season. This will be followed by a quiet ale in the casino. I'm not so interested in gambilng myself, I just love watching the gamblers play,wonder how / where did you get all that money and see their reaction on wins / loses.
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